Monday, May 5, 2008

Movin' On

Our little girl is officially mobile! This weekend she started crawling forward. Of course, she is still much more proficient at backwards maneuvers, such as this one where she pushed herself back between the couch and the wall.

I expect that very soon she'll be pulling herself up on furniture (Grandma Jeri is helping Mia work on this one already). I never could have imagined how excited I would be to see her accomplish each of these things. Just when I think she's reached a plateau in her learning, she surprises me with something new. We didn't get this kind of excitement with the rabbits. They could only learn so much, being animals and all. They definitely weren't as willing either. Mia is so curious and wants to try everything.
Troy loves being home with Mia in the evenings and especially on weekends. He doesn't even mind getting up early on Saturday. In fact, he's usually the first one up because he wants to be the one to wake Mia.

Sometimes, though, Mia has to wake Daddy.

Only two more weeks and then I go back to work. That's only three more times at the playgroup. Ten weekdays. Two weekends. That's it.