Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hardest thing I've ever done

We went downtown to the lactation specialist again today. She has been helping me with nursing Mia because we had a hard time. Lately, Mia has earned herself some nicknames while breastfeeding. When we first brought her home, I called her "little piggy" because she would snort each time I would get ready to feed her. Now, her nickname is "pirahna" because each time I try to feed her, she begins chomping her mouth before I can get her to latch on. It's actually pretty scary because her little mouth is chomping open and shut, and she'll clamp down and bite me three or four times before she latches on really well. It's somewhat humorous, but it can be very painful.

1 comment:

Dorina Gilmore said...

I'm so proud of you, Mama. You are giving your little girl the best gift you could possibly give her. It's worth the sacrifice - and God's design.
Mama Dorina