Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Venturing Out

So far, most of my outings with Mia have been shopping trips or lunch with The Chicks. We both enjoy getting out of the house. It's nice to have a reason to take a shower and do my hair. We've made great use of the Bjorn baby carrier. I think all new moms should own one! Mia loves to look at everything while we shop and she especially likes when we go to Hancock Fabrics because EVERYONE smiles and plays with her!

On Fridays Mommy Matters opens up their back room for a playgroup. I hate going to things like that for the first time because there's always a little bit of uncomfortableness, but we went, even without Alicia and Mia Faith since they couldn't make it. It really wasn't anything too special, but we had fun.

There were just two other little girls there and I was glad. Too many little ones sometimes is just not fun. Uma is the owner's daughter and has Down's Syndrome. She's 3, but is about Mia's size. She knows quite a bit of sign language and was signing along with the video on the tv. I asked her what the babies were doing on the tv, and instead of telling me they were sleeping, she did the sign for "daddy". I thought that was odd. When Gena came in to check on all of us, I told her about Uma signing "daddy" and she told me that Uma's daddy was coming to pick her up so she could go home and take her nap. How smart is she! She associated sleeping with daddy. It made perfect sense to her!

Mia also met Mila who is 9 months old and crawling. She was fun to watch, but I am so glad Mia is taking her time learning to get around, because that girl was FAST! What I enjoyed most was watching Mia watch Mila. Mia was sitting up and kept putting her hands down on the ground as if she were going to just take off and crawl right after her, but she couldn't quite figure it out. Then Mila took the toy right out of Mia's hands and Mia started to babble at the little girl. It was probably something like, "You can't have that. I was playing with it. See, my slobber is all over the top and my mommy is sitting right there, so you'd better not mess with me." Of course she said it very calmly and diplomatically, just like I taught her. I think we'll go back. It's good to get out.


Marcy said...

Ill do that with you!!!! When Im not soooo sleep deprived... i dont even know if its corban... i think is my other ones. lol

Gamanojoyo said...

I have such good memories of Mommy Matters. This is the place where we went to childbirth classes and it was just amazing! Watch out, Mia won't sit there for very long, she will soon find a way to move!